

A New Code for Suppliers

As a cooperative dairy, the interests of our farmers are of great importance

As a cooperative dairy, the interests of our farmers are enormously important. Even if milk is our most important raw material, we must not forget that our supply chains are networked around the world. More and more consumers and customers are demanding that other raw materials are sourced sustainably when they are used in the making of our products, such as cocoa or wood, for example. In order to better respond to these demands in the future, the code of conduct will no longer apply to suppliers and service providers but only to DMK employees. DMK suppliers will have a supplier code instead. This way, DMK can clearly formulate social and ecological demands for suppliers and develop a clearer picture of how supply chains should look. The code will still be contractually binding, as is the code of conduct. The code is followed by a management approach. That means DMK can identify potential for optimization and implement suitable measures for sustainable procurement.

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