You can rely on this with Deutsches Milchkontor eG
We are facing up to current challenges and strengthening our supplier relationships.

We focus on the issues that are important to our members. Our focus is always on the profitability of our farms, as we pursue a clear mandate to support our members. As a dairy cooperative, we have developed various programmes, offers and services to support our farmers in their daily work and farm management.

Our Milkmaster sustainability programme
Our Milkmaster programme promotes responsible milk production with the Milkmaster Code and a bonus system. It includes criteria for animal welfare, animal health and the climate footprint of farms. The aim is to sensitise and support farmers for their commitment in these areas.

Climate protection and economy in harmony
Increasing political and social demands on agriculture require sustainable solutions. For generations, farmers have been pursuing their inner attitude towards sustainability based on their own lived connection to nature and animals. With our ‘Net Zero Farming’ pilot project, we are developing this further and demonstrating it to society. We are showing that climate protection and economic efficiency on dairy farms are compatible. Together with experts from science and practice, we are developing practical concepts to reduce greenhouse gases and secure the future of our farms.

Promotion of animal welfare
The social and legal requirements regarding animal welfare in dairy cattle have been increasing significantly for years and will continue to grow in importance in the future. As a result, the demand for dairy products from husbandry type 3 (QM++), which we have been offering since 2024, is growing. 
Members from the Erfurt registration area can currently supply their milk for this and receive a surcharge. We already enable all other member farms to be certified for QM++ without a supply contract. This offers advantages for farms that market their meat. Both the costs for coordination with the certification body and the associated costs for the audits are covered by DMK.

Predictable prices with DMK Fixed Price
To counteract market fluctuations in the best possible way, we offer our members the DMK Fixed Price model. Our members can hedge part of their milk volumes at fixed prices via an online trading platform. This enables better planning and liquidity protection for the farms and provides an outlook on possible price developments.

Customised surcharges
Our dynamic model for volume supplements rewards higher milk volumes and ensures that all farms receive the same supplements for the volume they supply.

Profit and added value for our farmers
Since 2024, the milk price has been set and communicated on the 15th of the respective delivery month. This procedure ensures that both current market developments and utilisation are well reflected. Milk payments are made every 14 days. In addition, our farmers receive a dividend on their business assets, most recently 4%.

Payment for ingredients - We honour quality
Milk is paid for using flexible correction factors for fat and protein in order to allow higher premiums for above-average content. The ratio of correction factors is currently set at 1:1 by the Executive Board of Deutsches Milchkontor eG, which ensures a balanced weighting in payment between fat and protein.

GMO-free milk production
We offer members participation in the GMO-free programme of the Verband Lebensmittel ohne Gentechnik e.V. (VLOG). For this, the requirements of the ‘Ohne Gentechnik’ production and testing standard of the Verband Lebensmittel ohne Gentechnik e.V. (VLOG) must be complied with. The additional effort is remunerated with 1 cent per kg of raw milk delivered.

Long-term delivery reliability
Our members of Deutsches Milchkontor eG benefit from long-term security of supply, as membership can only be cancelled unilaterally by the milk producers.

Digital platform
We believe in the opportunities of the digital path and are investing in the entire value chain with appropriate digitalisation measures, with our farmers as the starting point. is a comprehensive online platform that sets standards in communication and services for milk producers. With a wide range of information, training programmes and functions, it makes the day-to-day work of farms and collaboration with the dairy easier. Whether stationary in the office or as an app on the go - is with you everywhere.