We live diversity
As a global company employing people from more than 50 nations, DMK is taking a clear stand against exclusion and hate.

Some 100,000 people in Germany have been taking to the streets in recent months, carrying banners and posters to show their support for freedom and democracy, after a report about far-right plans to organize mass deportations of Ger-mans with foreign roots. Rarely have so many people in the nation’s towns and cities taken as clear a stand against rac-ism and hate as they have since the turn of the year.

Quality thanks to diversity

DMK is also taking a very clear stand on the issue and has been doing so for a long time, not just since the recent revelations. “We are made up of thousands of colleagues, we operate everything from the most massive machines to the finest of sensors, we are young, middleaged and mature. We are female, male, diverse and come from more than 50 na-tions,” says Oliver Bartelt, Head of DMK Corporate Communications. “Even our cows are spotted.” That is not to sound as though the company is taking the matter lightly. On the contrary, the breadth of its diversity is precisely what makes DMK so strong. Discrimination and exclusion are not tolerated in any form at DMK. “We do not allow discrimination or insulting behavior based on people’s origin, age, gender, religion, disability or sexual identity,” says Bartelt. Discrimination is a broad field and does not only apply to obviously exclusionary behavior towards others. Offensive jokes, obscene gestures, pin-up calendars, an unsolicited hand on someone’s shoulder – whether such acts are intended aggressively or as a joke, they have no place in teams that are serious about diversity. “It doesn’t matter what the sender meant, but how the person concerned perceives it,” says Bartelt. Tolerance has always been a top priority for DMK and the company aims to systematically prevent or eliminate exclusion through its clear code of conduct. “Of course, the best laws and rules depend on compliance. And where people come together, there is always misconduct,” says HR Manager Ines Krummacker. “Like almost every company, we are some way off 100% diversity, but if we improve bit by bit, then we are on the right track.”

“When we talk about ‘we’ and describe our values, it goes deeper than just posturing.”

It is important to actively address disrespectful behavior within the company and have zero tolerance for misconduct, she says. A company that is a global player thrives on exchange, interaction, and above all through the learning that comes from diversity. This is a great inspiration for a company that must cater to the tastes of millions of people every day. Bartelt says cultural diversity is an important opportunity for DMK and for the whole country. Last but not least, the company needs to ensure it remains an attractive place to work given the competition for talented young workers, no matter where they come from.

“We encounter many different perspectives every day, which is invaluable. Only together are WE strong!”