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What Deutsches Milchkontor eG’s dairy farmers can depend on
The issues that are important to our members are our constant concern. The focus is on our farms’ viability at all times, because we pursue development as a clear mission required by our members.

The topics that are important to them are at the forefront of our thoughts. The focus is on our farms’ viability at all times, because we pursue a clear development mission on behalf of our members. Our dairy cooperative has created a range of programmes, offers and services to support our farmers in their everyday routine and in their farm management.

Milkmaster, our sustainability programme

Our Milkmaster Programme promotes responsible milk production with the Milkmaster Code and a bonus system. It incorporates criteria for animal welfare, animal health and climate assessments at the farms. The aim is to raise the farmers’ awareness of their commitment in these areas and to support them in taking action.

Climate protection and economics in harmony

Mounting political and social demands on farming call for sustainable solutions. Farmers have maintained a personal, ongoing bond with nature and animals for generations on the basis of their ingrained attitude to sustainability. We are developing this further and also demonstrating it out in society with our “Net Zero Farming” pilot project. We show that climate protection and economic efficiency are compatible on dairy farms. Together with experts from academic and practical spheres, we are developing hands-on concepts to reduce greenhouse gases and secure the future of our farms.

Promoting animal welfare

The social and legal requirements relating to the welfare of dairy cattle have been increasing significantly for years and will continue to rise in importance in the future. As a consequence, there is a growing demand for dairy products from housing system 3 (QM++), which we have offered since 2024. 
We are currently seeing a noticeable increase in the volume of dairy products in farming method 3, particularly in the private label segment. We are now taking the next step and converting a large part of the product range for the German food retail sector to farming method 3. This means that the DMK Group is in tune with the times with its decision to switch and is also positioning itself for the future in this relevant area. We honour the corresponding commitment of our farmers with a surcharge of 3 ct/kg raw milk (incl. VLOG surcharge).


Planable prices with DMK Fixed Price

To counter market fluctuations as effectively as possible, we offer members the DMK Fixed Price model. Our members can hedge part of their milk volumes at fixed prices by means of an online trading platform. This enables the farms to improve their planning and safeguard their liquidity, and provides an outlook on possible price trends.

Customised bonuses

Our dynamic model for volume bonuses rewards higher milk volumes and ensures that all farms receive the same bonuses for the volume they deliver.

Profit and value added for our farmers

Since 2024, the milk price is set and communicated on the 15th of the delivery month concerned. With this approach, both current market developments and utilisation can be clearly mapped out. Milk payments are made every 14 days. In addition, our farmers receive a dividend on their capital contributions, most recently at 4%.

Paying for content - we reward quality

The milk is paid for on the basis of flexible adjustment factors for fat and protein to make higher bonuses possible if the content is above average. At present, the ratio of the adjustment factors is set at 1.1 by the Board of Management of Deutsches Milchkontor eG, ensuring a balanced weighting in the payment between fat and protein.

GMO-free milk production

We offer members the opportunity to take part in the GMO-free programme run by the Verband Lebensmittel ohne Gentechnik e.V. (VLOG; the Association for Non-genetically Modified Food). To do so, they have to comply with the stipulations of VLOG’s production and testing standard “Ohne Gentechnik”. The additional cost is covered by 1 cent per kilo of raw milk delivered.

Long-term delivery security

Our Deutsches Milchkontor eG members benefit from long-term delivery security, because notice to terminate a membership can only be served by the dairy farmer him- or herself (i.e. unilaterally).

Digital platform myMilk.de

We believe in the opportunities offered by the digital route and we invest in digitalisation measures along the entire value chain accordingly, starting with our farmers. myMilk.de is a comprehensive online platform that sets standards in communication and services for the milk producers. It facilitates the farms’ everyday work and collaboration with the dairy company with a wide range of information, training offerings and functions. myMilk.de can be accessed from any location, in the office or as an app when out and about.

Interested in becoming a DMK member? You’ll find us here.


Contacts for dairy farms

You’re interested in becoming a DMK member and want to be part of a strong community? In that case, we should talk. Please contact sei.dabei@dmk.de or one of the regional contacts listed below for personal advice and support.