Taking cheese to a new level
Uniekaas is launching a new product in response to a growing trend in the Netherlands. Topping dishes with cheese.

Cooking with cheese grows more popular every year in the Netherlands, but so far there have not been many inspiring innovations on the market. That’s changing as a new generation of consumers starts to shape the food landscape. Young people enjoy making their own meals but also value convenience and appreciate recipe ideas. Uniekaas is responding to the growing trend for turning dishes into gratins with a brand-new cooking-with-cheese concept. The new range suits consumers who are enhancing pasta, pizza, potatoes, vegetables, meat and salads with cheese. This culinary solution is also helping expand the cheese category, together with retail partners. After being absent for some years, this brand new and innovative range puts Uniekaas back on the shelves of two major retail partners: Albert Heijn and Jumbo. The launch will be accompanied by a broad communications strategy that stars brand ambassador Miljuschka Witzenhausen, who is well-known in the Netherlands.