#TeamDMK: Passion for indulgence, diversity & a sustainable future
For us, 2023 was characterized by exciting developments, new challenges and, unfortunately, setbacks. On this page, you will find a compact summary of these events and gain honest insights into our actions. Short video sequences featuring the people at DMK give you an authentic introduction to the respective topic. In each corresponding text section you will find an overview of the work and objectives in the most important areas. Would you like more detailed information on specific topics? You will find it in the linked articles.
Always looking ahead - towards sustainable development for a successful future
The years 2020 to 2022 have impressively demonstrated this. And we are consistently continuing on this path with our strategic topics for the future. We got off to a solid start in 2024. Many of last year's one-off effects have been resolved. The counteractions introduced have had a noticeable effect. And with our #TeamDMK, we will make our Vision 2030 a reality. Despite all the stumbling blocks, we have achieved and initiated a great deal over the past year. Because our cohesion is our greatest strength. This is how we can prove time and again: "DMK can do it."
Turnover in 2023
Together we are shaping a tomorrow full of opportunities and progress.
In concrete terms, this means well-trained and committed employees from production to administration and sales. We rely on a diverse, powerful team that wants to make a difference together.
We are committed to the concept of "New Work", which promotes a new way of working. It is based on independence, collaboration and mutual trust and is applied both in our plants and in administration. Our new headquarters opposite Bremen Airport provides the perfect setting for collaborative and cross-functional work.
We have developed special programmes such as StepUp and Passion to specifically promote our employees in the plants and administration. These programmes help to further develop skills and talents and open up new career paths within the DMK Group.
Leadership next Level is designed to train and strengthen our managers in order to further implement an inspiring and effective leadership culture at eye level.
With all these programmes, we are pursuing our goal of creating an appreciative and inclusive working environment in which every employee can be successful and develop further.
We prove how good the change in nutrition can taste.
We at DMK are dairy experts, but we can also do plant-based. This is our response to the fact that, according to a representative survey from 2023, around 94 per cent of consumers questioned choose milk and dairy products as part of their diet. Nevertheless, dairy products and plant-based alternatives are not mutually exclusive. Rather, they complement each other and offer consumers the opportunity to shop according to their dietary habits.
At DMK, we translate this into a broad portfolio in which dairy-based and plant-based products stand side by side. This allows us to offer consumers who like to try new things, such as flexitarians, a choice within our own range and therefore products that perfectly suit their lifestyle.
Nevertheless, dairy products and plant-based alternatives are not mutually exclusive. On the contrary, they complement each other and offer consumers the opportunity to shop according to their dietary habits.
At DMK, we translate this into a broad portfolio in which dairy-based and plant-based products stand side by side. This allows us to offer consumers with a taste for flavour, such as flexitarians, a choice within our own range and therefore products that perfectly suit their lifestyle.
Our holistic approach for more climate protection, animal welfare and biodiversity.
Ongoing research and development projects and the internal "TIGER - Continuous Improvement" programme are helping us to improve step by step. In combination with new innovative projects for agriculture, the vision of a future-orientated dairy industry is gradually taking shape. The aim of all projects is to adapt successful measures wherever possible. We don't just want to focus on ourselves as a company, but also work in the sector and share our knowledge with others.
These research projects include, for example, the "B-WaterSmart" programme supported by the EU Commission. In one of 6 "Living Labs" across Europe, we are researching a method at our Edewecht site to recover water from milk and use it as a drinking water substitute. The aim is to treat 600,000 m³ of vapour condensate per year and use it as a drinking water substitute.
At our production site in Edewecht, we are also focussing on the energy-efficient use of waste heat. This measure saves 24,800 MWh of natural gas and 200 MWh of electricity every year, which contributes to a significant reduction in CO₂ emissions.
Another important contribution to greater climate protection is our new vehicle fleet. We are replacing all of our milk collection lorries and switching to bio LNG as a fuel. This will save us around 13,500 tonnes of CO2 every year. With our own fuelling station, we are also making the switch easier for external hauliers.
Our "Net Zero Project" also plays a major role in our "Vision 2030". Here, pilot farms in Germany and the Netherlands are trialling various methods for climate-friendly agriculture, in which all our farms will be able to participate in the future.
These projects are of crucial importance for the future of DMK, as they not only contribute to climate protection, but also strengthen the competitiveness and sustainability of the entire industry and lead to products that consumers can enjoy without a guilty conscience.