Our history

DMK Group: Humana and NORDMILCH – an alliance that sets standards.


DMK Deutsches Milchkontor GmbH 

Two of Germany’s most famous dairy companies merged in 2011 to become the Number 1 player in the country’s dairy industry. The merger of Humana Milchindustrie GmbH and NORDMILCH GmbH led to the formation of DMK Deutsches Milchkontor GmbH, a long-standing and successful partnership. However, their successful collaboration had started earlier.

Joint venture wheyco GmbH is formed to process specialty whey products. NORDMILCH AG and Humana Milchunion eG each have a 50% share. 

Humana Milchindustrie GmbH and Nordmilch AG join forces in sales by setting up Nord-Contor Milch GmbH. 

July 2020 (retroactively) 
The operating units of NORDMILCH GmbH and Humana Milchindustrie GmbH merge: DMK Deutsches Milchkontor GmbH is formed. 

February 2011
The farmers’ representatives of Humana Milchunion eG and NORDMILCH eG agree to the merger. 

May 2011
DMK, Germany’s largest dairy company, commences business operations. 

Humana and NORDMILCH – two companies with a long history.

A large number of milk delivery cooperatives were formed in Germany at the end of the 19th century and grew in size over the years. Many dairy companies developed by this route, including Humana and NORDMILCH.

The Humana group 

The Humana group of companies, with 2.7 billion kilos of milk processed every year, was among the leaders of Germany’s dairy industry. In 2009, a total of 2,900 employees at twelve production facilities in five Federal regions generated an annual turnover of 1.7 billion euros. Around 4,900 member farms delivered milk to twelve production facilities. 

First mention of Humana. A Herford paediatrician develops a baby food under this name. Humana milk is manufactured and marketed originally by the Herforder Molkerei dairy.

The dairies Milchverwertung Ahlen-Tönnishäuschen and Milchhof Münster eG merge to form Milchwerke Münsterland eG. The foundations of Humana Milchunion eG are laid. 

Roberg a private dairy in Everswinkel, is acquired. It expands into central production and distribution sites, including management of Milchwerke Münsterland eG. 

Westmilch Milchunion eG is created by the merger of Milchwerke Paderborn-Rimbeck with Milchwerken Münsterland eG and Molkerei und Feinkäserei eG Medebach. Its headquarters are in Everswinkel.

Humana Milchunion eG, the parent company of the Humana Group and headquartered in Everswinkel, results from the merger of Milchwerke Westfalen eG, Herford with Westmilch Milchunion eG, Everswinkel.

Carveout of business operations: Humana Milchindustrie GmbH takes responsibility for the business operations of Humana Milchunion eG, Küstenland Milchunion Mecklenburg-Vorpommern GmbH and Milchwerke Thüringen GmbH.


NORDMILCH was one of Germany’s largest dairy companies before the merger with Humana, with an annual volume of milk processed of four billion kilos. In 2009, the group had a total of 2,500 employees in five Federal regions and generates a turnover of 1.9 billion euros. Most of the milk came from NORDMILCH eG’s 7,000-plus members.

With the formation of the central dairy Zentralmolkerei NORDMILCH, the foundations are laid for NORDMILCH as an enterprise. 

NORDMILCH eG is formed by the merger of the dairy companies MZO Oldenburger Milch eG, Hansano Milchhof Niedersachsen, Bremerland-Nordheide eG, NORDMILCH eG and Milcherfassung-NORDMILCH eG. Its headquarters are in Bremen.

Operating structures are standardised: a standardised corporate organisation is set up and the company focuses on the brand portfolio (MILRAM, Hansano, Burlander, Oldenburger). 

Adelbyer Nordfriesland Milch is acquired.

The NORDMILCH eG restructuring programme begins. Focal points: the core business is further developed and factory and employee structures are simplified.

Business operations are carved pit into NORDMILCH AG (100% subsidiary of NORDMILCH eG), restructuring programme continues. Key points: production capacities are expanded and sales redesigned. A central research centre is opened for product, process and technology development: NIC (NORDMILCH Innovation Center).

NORDMILCH eG merges with the dairy cooperative Dargun eG Pommernmilch. Zentralkäserei Mecklenburg-Vorpommern GmbH (ZMV), a cheese-making company in which NORDMILCH AG has a participating interest, becomes a wholly owned subsidiary.