Truck driving and so much more
Over 300 of DMK’s own milk tanker drivers collect the valuable raw material from the farms every day. Beyond driving skills, they bring a slew of other abilities to handle the challenges they encounter.

Alena Stürenburg, 2nd year apprentice professional driver, Edewecht.

“What I love about this profession is that you don’t just drive a truck, so many other skills are also tested on a daily basis. First of all, I like being my own boss and am passionate about driving. I came to like it through my stepfather, who also drives for DMK. Now I am in my second year of training at DMK and it was definitely the right decision. The job challenges me. I am constantly getting to know new farmers, new areas and regions. Sometimes, I wind up on the wrong farm if it is my first time in a particular area. Then I try to turn around on the farm as neatly as possible, without causing any damage. Being a milk tanker driver requires more driving skill than any other professional driving job. There’s also a psychological aspect in this job: You need to be sensitive to people’s moods. Farmers may or may not be in a good mood on any particular day. As a woman, I am clearly in the minority in this profession, I am aware of that, of course. Men often like to show off how good they are at everything and all that they know, when they explain things. I don’t think that’s bad, as long as they don’t get carried away. I am learning a lot and this job challenges me – that is what is so exciting!”

Rick de Buhr, Training Officer, Team Coordinator, Specialist Milk Collection, Weser-Ems Fleet

“I am passionate about driving a milk collection truck, even though I am not driving right now. I started working in this profession at DMK in 2017. Four years ago I became a Team Coordinator. We have nine trainees at the Edewecht site. The professional driving training is made up of several parts: One is the driver’s license, of course. Trainees start that three months after their training begins. Once they pass the test, they can drive the milk collection truck on their own. We got our own driving school truck in May 2022. Toward the end of their training, trainees are tested in theory and practice again. As a driving instructor, I help support them in two ways: I teach them to drive first, and then I help them pass the test. Things will get exciting at the end of the year for two of our trainees, as they will attend various truck training courses and we will get them ready for the test. But it isn’t just us in Edewecht who are preparing the next generation to take the wheel, the Zeven site is also rolling out a training program for professional drivers. We support the team with all our knowledge and experience about this good, solid apprenticeship.”