Katrin Lücking, QM Business Partner International & BRAND
At DMK, we employ several thousand people. Of course, we want them to enjoy working for us and to feel comfortable here. Like Katrin Lücking, who did her apprenticeship at DMK. And still feels good after 15 years with us.

Hello, what is your name, how old are you and what is your function at DMK?

My name is Katrin Lücking, I am 32 years old and work as QM Business Partner International & BRAND.

Why do you work at DMK?

I did my training as a dairy specialist at DMK in Edewecht 15 years ago - actually with the aim of later becoming a food inspector. But even during my training, I discovered my passion for the dairy industry and got to know DMK as a great employer. Nothing has changed in that regard to this day!

What do you work on specifically?

In my position, I am responsible for supporting the business units and central quality management in their strategic orientation in quality matters. In concrete terms, this means that I ensure our high DMK standards and our quality requirements with external producers, for example. 

Why do you consider DMK to be competent, credible and forward-looking?

All three attributes describe DMK very aptly. We have earned an excellent reputation in the dairy industry over the past decades and have never forgotten our roots. But just as little do we fail to recognize the future, open up new markets and use our expertise to develop products outside our core business and bring them to market maturity. It is precisely for this that our products are held in high esteem abroad.

What surprises you again and again at DMK?

The diversity of our products and the great colleagues!

How can you tell that DMK is innovative?

DMK does not close its mind to market changes - on the contrary! The last few years have shown that we can do more than Dairy and are setting standards for vegan alternative products with our Green Line. I am pleased to be able to participate in the further development of these products as a QM Business Partner.

Why would you recommend DMK as an employer?

DMK is not only a great employer in an exciting industry. Above all, teamwork is lived here in a great working atmosphere. Professional development and lifelong learning also have a high priority at DMK and are actively promoted from all sides.

Briefly describe your career and how you came to DMK.

My career at DMK began quite early. After my school career, I decided to train as a dairy specialist at our location in Edewecht, not far from my home. After that, I continued with a number of internal and external further training courses in my specialist area and with my master craftsman's certificate. 

What are your plans for the future?

I am a very curious person and like to be challenged. That's why I wish for many more challenges in the future that I can personally grow from together with DMK.

Is DMK a traditional company for you?

Yes! Even though we look back on a long history, we have by no means stood still in history. It inspires me anew every day how we still use the raw material of our first hour to produce and further develop modern and innovative foodstuffs and in doing so inspire people all over the world with quality and innovative strength.

In what way do tradition and innovation go hand in hand in your field of work?

One of our oldest brands with a long history is Oldenburger. In its target markets in particular, this brand stands for German dairy excellence. That's why we are consistently developing the brand further and constantly launching new products on the market; most recently, for example, panna cotta or crème brulée. This is an example of how tradition and innovation together contribute to DMK's success.