Isabella Katzer, Product Manager
The compatibility of family and career plays an important role for us. Because we want our colleagues to feel good about their work. Product Manager Isabella Katzer appreciates the opportunities offered by flexible working. And she still has a lot of plans at DMK - including condensed milk.
Hello. What's your name, how old are you and what's your function at DMK?

Hello. What's your name, how old are you and what's your function at DMK?

My name is Isabella Katzer, I am 37 years old and work as a product manager (responsible for the condensed milk portfolio of BU Industrie since 01.01.23).

Why do you work at DMK?

Why do you work at DMK?

Because I like to work close to the product, I find the many interfaces (production, sales, R&D, etc.) incredibly exciting and there are new challenges every day.

What do you work on specifically?

As a product manager, I am responsible for the condensed milk product category. The job is very diverse and encompasses many different areas of responsibility. You work very closely with the sales, production and R&D interfaces. This includes accompanying the product life cycle when a new condensed milk product is developed: from the product idea, to steering the project through to the finished product. My tasks also include portfolio management, including the presentation of results for my own product group (which articles perform well, which not so well, which articles have to be discontinued, etc.). Of course, market and competition monitoring is also an essential task. Designing information material (product information sheets, product presentations, etc.).

Why do you think DMK is tolerant and respectful?

A current example for me is the meeting at the Holdorf plant, which I visited with a new colleague as part of my training for the condensed milk product group. All my colleagues were open and friendly. They took a lot of time to explain everything to us, showed us the plant in detail and explained the technologies. Every question was answered and there was generally an open and friendly atmosphere. Good cooperation between the plant and product management is essential to better understand production processes. To know the products in detail and also to know what other possibilities one has when thinking of working on new trends and market topics. 

Do you support the thesis that DMK accepts everyone as they are? Even if you don't like something, that if you have criticism or a different opinion, it will be heard?

The topic of "dealing with criticism" is certainly dependent on character. I think it's difficult to break it down to the entire company, because everyone deals with criticism individually. In my opinion, it's important that criticism is expressed respectfully and received just as respectfully. 

How collegial is it at DMK in your area?

We are a young team with very different professional backgrounds and focuses. We have a very intensive exchange with regular meetings that take place to keep each other up to date and thus also to learn from our colleagues.

Why would you recommend DMK as an employer?

There is always movement in the company. If you like challenges and at the same time want to initiate new things, you are in good hands here.

Did you always want to work in your field at DMK?

I was born in Bremen and therefore still know the Bremerland brand from my childhood, which I associate primarily with the taste of nut yogurt. DMK has therefore always been a household name for me. After my studies in nutritional sciences, I started working as a product manager for a distributor. There I looked after various additives, such as starches, phosphates and cellulose derivatives. It quickly became clear to me that I missed the north and Bremen in particular. At the same time, I wanted to work directly on the product. When a position as a product manager was advertised at DMK, I applied and in February 2015 I started in the Ingredients department in the Milk Powder product group. In 2020, I then went on parental leave for 3 years, had two children and have been working for our condensed milk portfolio since this year.

What are your plans for the future?

I would like to further advance and expand the condensed milk product group. There is still a lot of hidden potential here in very exciting applications. 

Is DMK a "colorful" employer for you? 55 different nationalities work at DMK, how visible is diversity in your area?

Since we are active worldwide in the industrial sector, various nationalities are employed in a wide variety of positions.

Are women present in your area? Do they hold management positions? What is good, what should be improved?

Yes, women are very present in the marketing area. However, for me personally, it is less important to see a man or a woman in leadership positions.  More important to me is a high level of competence coupled with empathy in order to empower employees in the best possible way.

In what way do tradition and innovation go hand in hand in your area of work?

The condensed milk product group is a rather traditional product that is used in many classic recipes. Nevertheless, we are close to the market and develop new recipes for many different applications.

How do you experience the compatibility of job and family at DMK? Have you experienced it differently?

The compatibility of job and family is certainly easier to implement in an office job than, for example, in shift work as a nurse. What is important for me is the possibility to work in a home office, that appointments are mainly made in the morning and the possibility to work flexibly (e.g. also in the evening).