From food safety to climate protection:

This is how we implement the UN sustainability goals. 

The world is facing major challenges, ranging from combating hunger and ensuring decent work to climate protection. We are therefore determined to make our contribution. Our mission spans six different UN sustainability goalsfrom ensuring sustainable consumption and production models to actively promoting partnerships to achieve the goals. Find out how we supply nutritious foods, promote sustainable agriculture, combat climate change and, together with partners, shape a sustainable future.

Zero hunger.

Ending hunger, achieving food security and promoting sustainable agriculture are the central focus here. We address these issues by providing nutritious food and actively promoting and implementing sustainable agriculture.

Decent work and economic growth.

The mission? To promote lasting, inclusive and sustainable economic growth – including full and productive employment and decent work for all. This also involves decoupling growth from environmental destruction and ensuring resource efficiency, decent work and fair pay. 

Responsible consumption and production.

The focus here is on ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns. To this end, we use our resources sustainably, reduce food and other waste and promote sustainable practices at DMK. 

Climate action.

The goal is to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. With the help of DMK’s Agrarian Climate Check, farmers can create their own individual climate assessment to determine the effects on their CO2 footprint. Since 2022 we have also been offering a comprehensive range of information and training on myMilk to actively support our farmers on the journey to increased climate protection.

Life on land.

The protection, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems are to be cited here. Actions include maintaining land and freshwater ecosystems, sustainable forestry, combating land degradation and maintaining biodiversity.

Partnerships for the goals.

The focus here is on strengthening the means of implementation and revitalising the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development. For German communities, this means mobilising additional funds for developing countries, promoting political coherence in favour of sustainable development, expanding global partnerships (including multi-stakeholder partnerships) and creating effective public, public-private and civil society partnerships with progressive measures for sustainable development.