

Do it yourself Firm and creamy yoghurt

It’s bright, sunny and there’s a real summer feeling. What better dairy product could you make than a delicious refreshing yoghurt? It only takes four easy steps


  • 100 g DMK Joghurt (similar fat content to milk)
  • 1 liter of fresh DMK milk, homogenisiert (the higher the fat content, the creamier it will be)
  •  1 – 2 tablespoons of milk
  • Also: 1 container with a lid (a bowl or jar or thermos flask), 1 cooking pot, 1 thermometer (measuring range: 40 – 45°)


Boil the fresh milk briefly in order to kill off any “bad“ bacteria, then let it cool to the optimal temperature for fermentation* – 40-45°C – and stir occasionally.



Now carefully mix your milk together with the yoghurt you bought, in order to use its cultures. If you want your yoghurt to be firmer, add 1 – 2 tablespoons of milk powder.



Now, put the mixture into a container and close it. In order for the fermentation process to work, it needs to be kept warm for at least ten hours. You can keep it in the oven at 50°C for 30 minutes, then turn it off and leave it to rest. One important tip: don’t move it!



The longer you leave your mixture in a warm place, the more acidic it will get, so when it’s almost ready, put the yoghurt in the refrigerator for a few hours to stop the acidification process.



Enjoy! Stir until it’s creamy and then add oats or fruit or anything you like!



Fermentation temperature: The yoghurt’s bacterial culture thrives at this temperature, so it can reproduce, fermenting the milk to yoghurt.