

Marianna Betta – Senior Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs – Italy

Andrà tutto bene – Everything will be fine. Three words that stand for the new hope of Italians throughout the country, like seeing light at the end of the tunnel. They are written on colourful banners hung from windows and adorn the front pages of the daily newspapers in bold letters. Marianna Betta also has this sentence up on her screen.

Andrà tutto bene – Everything will be fine. Three words that stand for the new hope of Italians throughout the country, like seeing light at the end of the tunnel. They are written on colourful banners hung from windows and adorn the front pages of the daily newspapers in bold letters. Marianna Betta also has this sentence up on her screen.

Marianna Betta is Senior Manager of Quality Assurance & Regulatory Affairs at Humana. Her office is now the kitchen table, where she sits with her work laptop next to her two-year-old daughter, who raises her large rolling eyes expectantly to her mother. She has one other son she also must help with his homework for school, which is currently closed. 

Like so many parents, Marianna Betta had to adapt quickly to the new situation. "The coronavirus has completely upset my daily routine," she says. To take on the double burden of work and family, she grew into a genuine multi-tasker in record time. "Fortunately I can work well from home. What I really miss are the encounters with my colleagues in the office.”

Marianna Betta has some hopes for what comes after the crisis has passed: "I hope that the corona pandemic will lead to a better lifestyle for all of us. We should always remember how important it is to take on social responsibility and to work together with others. Let us learn from the crisis and value human relationships even more."

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