

Formula Rescued Baby Giraffe in Serengeti Park

NORLAC and DMK invented a sepcial milk to feed a giraffe baby.

The little giraffe from the Serengeti Park in Hodenhagen sucked hungrily at the bottle, watched by its family. It was rejected by its mother when it was born in October, which usually means it would die. Then NORLAC and DMK stepped in, determined to help it survive. They provided a special milk formula because giraffe milk contains much more fat and dry matter than cow’s milk. Milk substitutes are being developed under the NORMI brand for calves, and NORLAC has long been researching how to raise the fat content of skimmed milk-based substitutions. Based on the FIRST CLASS product, a team was able to create a giraffe milk containing more than 30 percent fat. NORLAC director Hendrik Homberg said, “NORLAC’s expertise, DP Supply’s high-fat powder, Wheyco’s dairy protein concentrates and Zeven’s milk powder – a powerful team performance that saved the little giraffe’s life.”


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